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Explore. Dream. Discover.

"We travel, initially, to lose ourselves, and we travel next, to find ourselves......"

Two years ago at this time, I was studying abroad in Edinburgh, Scotland for what became 4 months of life changing experiences. I caught the bug. No, not the pesky flu going around right now, but the travel bug. Wanderlust. The longing to see new places, try new foods, experience new cultures, hear new languages, and meet new people. And now with less than a week until I travel to Italy to teach English for 3 months, I sit here writing this in the ice rink in Edinburgh where I was fortunate enough to intern. Being back across the pond, I can't help but be grateful for this opportunity and think about the reasons I am excited for the thrilling whirlwind that is travel.

Travel is eye-opening. You return and it makes you look at your own country differently. You see how other people live and function on a daily basis and compare it to aspects of life at home. You become respectful of other viewpoints and ways of life.

Travel is fearless. You leave the comfort and familiar from your home, family, or own country and project yourself into the unknown letting the sails take you where the wind blows.

Travel is sensational. You fall in love with the simplest things in life. You learn to appreciate life, your home, and live in the present. Plus, the world is a beautiful place and seeing them in person is so much better than on Instagram.

Travel changes you. Jason Aldean was right, "It sure left its mark on us, we sure left our mark on it." You grow and usually aren't the same person when you come back home because the places you go and people you meet have a lasting effect.

Travel creates meaningful relationships. Home is never too far away when you have people to visit where you're going. It's a wonderful thing to be connected to other people and cultures from all over the world. And not only do you get to see things from a local perspective, but you also a place to stay.

Travel challenges you. Navigating a new place without your native tongue can be difficult, but overcoming all the obstacles seems like an accomplishment afterwards. Dealing with unexpected situations brings some of the most rewarding experiences, and you feel empowered because some things you overcame may have felt nearly impossible.

Travel is delectable food. Traveling opens your tastebuds up to a world of new flavors, new preparations, and cultural experiences surrounding food or "breaking bread, " that you likely won't find at home.

Travel is the best classroom. Traveling brings history to life. Immersing yourself in a completely different world is the best learning opportunity, it certainly beats reading boring textbooks. With new languages and skills, it fosters new knowledge and continued education beyond school.

Travel teaches you about yourself. With new challenges and time to reflect on life, you gain insights into who you are.

Travel is adventurous. New places are thrilling, but you also learn to adapt. You learn to appreciate the journey, rather than the destination, because sometimes even getting lost reveals hidden gems. You develop open-mindedness and may find enjoyment in spontaneity.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. "

- Mark Twain

I'm back in Edinburgh and yet it feels as though I never left. The weather is the same. The Royal Mile is the same. The people I know here are the same. It's strange to think that two years ago, I was new here, and things felt foreign. Then, I had to worry about not getting hit by a bus when I should have been looking right for cars and in American habit, looked left to cross the road. Now, this place feels as familiar as home. Two years ago, I decided to embark on an amazing study abroad journey and to this day I think it is one of the best decisions I ever made. If you're in college still, I urge you to consider studying abroad, and you can ask me any questions you would like. If you are well traveled yourself, I appreciate any travel advice or recommendations you have. And if you just want to live vicariously through me for the next 3+ months, feel free to keep reading my blog. See you soon, Italy!

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